The third stage of the disease leads to chronic progressive lymphangitis.
The appearance of the limb closely simulated an attack of lymphangitis.
Excessive suppuration, lymphangitis, and gangrene are causes of a fatal termination by exhaustion.
Enteritis, lymphangitis, or pneumonia he knows to be often heralded in the same manner.
This type of lymphangitis is associated with, or the result of, a derangement of digestion.
Throbbing vessels are not always easily recognized if the subject is a victim of chronic lymphangitis.
Repeated attacks of lymphangitis have occurred during this period, each producing an aggravation of the previous condition.
In most cases, inflammatory infiltrates surrounded the lymphatic capillaries along the blood vessels, giving rise to lymphangitis.
Nail punctures resulting in infection frequently cause an infectious lymphangitis and a marked and painful swelling of the legs supervenes.
Such good results are not to be expected in aged subjects, nor in horses having at the same time, chronic lymphangitis.
Here we report a case of type 4 gastric cancer associated with lymphangitis carcinomatosis which became refractory to the previous chemotherapies.
Recently Joly described congenital hernia of the stomach in a man of thirty-seven, who died from collapse following lymphangitis, persistent vomiting, and diarrhea.
Admitting the frequency of non-infectious lymphangitis, the practitioner must not confuse this type with similar lymphatic inflammation occasioned by nail punctures of the foot.
There are also disease-producing fungi which are responsible for certain affections in horses; among these the most important are mycotic lymphangitis, or sporotrichosis, and streptotrichosis.
The trite phrase that "the tissues are bathed in lymph" should make clear the reason for the frequent occurrence of infectious lymphangitis and lymphadenitis.
TS-1 plus CPT-11 combination chemotherapy would be effective for lymphangitis carcinomatosis and also useful as third-line chemotherapy for recurrent gastric cancer.